Transport Service
Pursuing! Focusing on cost reduction by exercising ingenuity.
Delivering! Focusing on just-in-time.
Shortening! Focusing on optimization of lead time.
Consolidated Transport | Cost-Effectiveness
Compared with chartered transportation, our OLS enables the enhancement of loading efficiency through consolidated transportation for higher cost-effectiveness.
Flexible Response (Pickup and Delivery of cargos) | Just-in-Time
In general chartered transportation, cyclic transportation is conducted based on a predetermined route, time and cargo volume according to a customer’s order.
Therefore, it is difficult to respond flexibly when dealing with changes in situation.
On the other hand, in the case of our OLS shared milk run, go-round transportation is conducted in one area, so it is possible to respond flexibly to changes in time and cargo volume.
Our network linking our bases throughout the country | Lead time
Our bases, which are located giving priority to automotive and construction machine companies, achieve a lead time of only one day. “Responding to company reorganization, relocation, integration and outsourcing.”
Transportation by our own vehicles | Having a competitive advantage in cost, quality and management
We manage our loading efficiency to keep it in optimum condition and conduct trunk transport between our offices using our own vehicles.
Also, in the replacement pickup and delivery services on the branch basis, we make efforts to reduce transport costs through appropriate assignment of vehicles.