With diversity regardless of corporate type, we address issues related to the distribution of industrial components.
We offer optimum logistics solutions to customer issues and concerns.
Logistics solution
We offer consulting services whereby problems are grasped and common issues are identified based on the KPIs of customers to repeat implementation and effect measurement. - Procurement logistics: Utilization of highly efficient OLS shared milk run - Production logistics: Visualization of the logistics cost of individual components by adopting unit-based fare
Examples of awards we received
Logistics improvement in the transfer of the production of forklifts / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Details of the award:
This logistics improvement was highly evaluated by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and we received the special award, which was given only to 12 companies among several hundreds of suppliers. We were the first logistics company to receive this award.
Evaluated points:
In the transfer of production to Nichiyu Mitsubishi Forklift Kyoto, we achieved a significant reduction in logistics costs through efficiently managed intensive transport of components.
We contributed to the improvement of the productivity of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group in the aspect of logistics.
Transport and warehousing services / Subaru Logistics Co., Ltd.
Details of the award:
We received an award because we were highly evaluated in the CKD business for Subaru America plant.
Evaluated points:
The warehouse close to the CKD plant helped to enhance transport efficiency.
High-quality logistics operations were realized.
Transport service / Shimadzu Logistics Service Corporation
Details of the award:
We received an award because we were highly evaluated in all aspects of quality, technology and management in the domestic distribution of the products manufactured by Shimadzu Corporation.
Evaluated points:
We achieved zero non-conformance through proper cargo handling.
We earned their confidence in information sharing through proper reporting.
Strict observance of specified delivery time and response to time-designated and emergent deliveries.